

11 million tonnes of plastic are dumped in the ocean every year



48% of the British public have flushed wet wipes



1.8 billion - estimated number of cotton buds flushed down our toilets each year



48% of the nation pour fats, oils and grease (FOG) down their drains

The time to act is now: make a small change to have a big impact on our future

  • Do you want to help reduce the amount of plastic entering our seas and rivers?

  • Do you want to help fight environmentally-damaging fatbergs?

Our environment is changing for the worse, so now is the time to act! Unblocktober will help you make small changes to your habits and the way you dispose of certain everyday items, to make a big difference to the environment - as the impacts are being felt right here, right now.

Make a difference today by making October…Unblocktober!

What is Unblocktober?

Unblocktober is the world’s first month-long national campaign and awareness month to improve the health of our drains, sewers, watercourses and seas - driven completely by the British public.

Launched in 2019, the first Unblocktober saw more than 4,500 Britons across the country pledge to change their kitchen and bathroom habits at home and at work. This rose to more than 66,000 in 2022 - and this year we need even more of you to get involved!

Why Unblocktober?

We all know that as a society, we haven’t always treated the natural and built environment in the kindest way. There are many examples of this that will jump to mind, including deforestation, increasing carbon emissions, and so on.

But for many decades, we’ve also adopted habits at home that - without many of us knowing - have caused our surroundings, watercourses and rivers severe distress. Millions upon millions of us have been putting dangerous liquids and items into our drainage systems and sewers that lead to untold damage to the environment around us.

As a result, we need to act decisively and quickly to try to change those bad habits and reverse the impact of our actions on our environment. The effects of this ecological damage are already being felt, and will need a concerted effort to slow them down or reverse them.

That’s where Unblocktober comes in. And where you come in too…


When sewers and drains get blocked, it can cause any or all of the following problems:



Foul waste flooding




Excavation and repair, causing roadworks

Improper waste disposal can also lead to plastic pollution, which is another global crisis that we need to fight.

Disposable face masks, nappies, period care products, cotton buds and many of the other items we list below are non-biodegradable because they contain hidden plastics.

Putting them in our drains increases the chances of plastic making its way into our rivers and seas - into which approximately 8 million pieces of plastic find their way every day


The good news: even a small change in your habits can make a big difference...


How to get involved

All we want is for you, your family and your friends to commit to stop pouring or flushing the following items down your drains or into the toilet, for the whole month of October. By taking part in Unblocktober, you will be making a big difference, without having to make a big effort.


Sign up today!

Are you ready to do your bit for the environment?


Since we launched Unblocktober in 2019, we’ve been working to remind everyone that plastic pollution in our drains and sewers is a part of a larger looming environmental crisis.

However, in the last year, it’s become clear to us all that these are not tomorrow’s problems - the impacts are being felt right here, right now.

From floods, droughts and heat waves becoming commonplace in the UK to the emergence of a giant wet wipe island that’s changing the course of the River Thames, the evidence shows that our environment is already changing for the worse. 

So what do we do about the continued damage to the environment? Well, that’s where you come in.

The British public has the power to take the health of our sewers and seas into their own hands, sharing the responsibility of protecting the planet from pollution and fatbergs.

This might seem like a big job for one person. However, the beauty of Unblocktober is that it’s so simple to play your part and make a big difference to the environment in its most desperate hour of need.

If you want to take on the plastic waste and pollution problem like thousands of others have, you should sign up for Unblocktober.

If you want to know how fats, oils, grease and plastic can affect our sewers and drains and want to contribute to the fight against fatbergs, you should sign up for Unblocktober.

If you want to avoid costly callouts from drainage engineers who need to unblock your drains, you should sign up for Unblocktober.

It’s so easy to sign up - simply select an option below and fill out the short form. That’s it - you’ve accepted the Unblocktober challenge!

We’ll then send you a resource pack that you will need to make your achievement official and that contains tips, advice, checklists, equipment lists, stories from other participants, and much more.

Sign up below!

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